Adding an Incident to a Shift
1. To add an Incident to a shift, Click the "+ Add" button next to the Incidents table.
2. A popup will appear where basic incident details can be added.
3. Click "+ Add Incident" to create the incident. You will then be directed to the incident details screen in PHEMnet.
4. From here, details of the incident can now be completed.
5. The Vehicle field is repeated. On the shifts screen the primary (and intended) vehicle was selected. For an incident, the actual response vehicle is selected. For example, the team may be predominantly based on the helicopter, but may respond by car to certain incidents. In this instance Helicopter would be selected on the Shifts screen, and RRV on the Incidents screen.
6. The Ambulance Incident Number, and Care Episode ID (if required) can be recorded.
7. Using the drop down menu, select the tasking type.
8. Select the Tasking Outcome for the incident. Stand Downs, aborted missions, and advice only calls can all be recorded here.
The full options are as follows:
- Arrived on Scene
- Arrived on Scene (2nd CCT Resource)
- Diverted to another Incident
- Stood Down by Land Crew
- Stood Down by Control
- Stood Down Aircrew Decision
- Aborted - Weather
- Aborted - Aircraft Fault
- Aborted - Other
- Advice / Discussion Only
9. Enter the Grid Reference or the Post Code of the Incident. To avoid storing patient identifiable data, grid references are converted to four figure grids (SY 123 456 will become SY 120 450). Post codes will be converted to the prefix, and the first part of the suffix (EX2 7HY becomes EX2 7).
10. Once either the grid or the post code has been entered, click the green circle next to the field to search for the location. If PHEMnet can identify the location based upon the post code or grid reference, it will complete the Town, County, and Constituency fields automatically.
For example, entering SX966921, the six figure grid reference for SWAST HQ, will produce the following results.
11. The final Location field can now be completed. This should be kept generic, such as intersection of road, or Farm, rather than specific addresses.
12. The incident times can now be entered. Time Intervals for the patient journey can be seen on the right.
Viewing a Map of the Incident
To view a map of the incident, click on the "Map" tab.
The map behaves in the same way as a google map. It can be zoomed in and out, and even switched to street view to better show the incident scene.